82 items
19272898 MFG #: CCW6Item currently not in stock. Lead time based upon availability from the manufacturer.$0.00 / Each
- Type: Open End Regular Length
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 9/16
DEWALT DWMT72196OSP MFG #: DWMT72196OSPItem currently not in stock. Lead time based upon availability from the manufacturer.$0.00 / Each
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 9/16
- Number of Points: 12
19863709 MFG #: DWMT72200OSPItem currently not in stock. Lead time based upon availability from the manufacturer.$0.00 / Each
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 13/16
- Overall Length: 10-21/32, 10-21/32 in
DEWALT DWMT72294OSP MFG #: DWMT72294OSPItem currently not in stock. Lead time based upon availability from the manufacturer.$0.00 / Each
- Type: Non-Reversible
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Style: Ratcheting
GEARWRENCH 81650 MFG #: 81650In Stock$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 1/4
GEARWRENCH 81652D MFG #: 81652DIn Stock$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Style: Non-Ratcheting
GEARWRENCH 81654 MFG #: 81654In Stock$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 3/8
GEARWRENCH 81655 MFG #: 81655Item currently not in stock. Lead time based upon availability from the manufacturer.$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 7/16
GEARWRENCH 81656 MFG #: 81656In Stock$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 1/2
GEARWRENCH 81657 MFG #: 81657In Stock$0.00 / Each
- Type: Long Length Open End
- Measurement System: Imperial
- Wrench Opening: 9/16